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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I work with you on my Cassandra wounding and also work in couples therapy on my relationship?Yes. Actually, that's the ideal approach. With your permission, we coordinate closely with our partner organization, the Neurodiverse Couples Counseling Center, to make sure that we don't work a cross-purposes.
What's the difference between Cassandra Syndrome and Ongoing Traumatic Relationship Syndrome (OTRS)?We answer this question and many more on our "Clarity" page. Click HERE.
I have more needs relating to neurodiversity. Can you help?Believing Cassandra is part of a larger effort to support the neurodiverse community. Here are all of our efforts: Neurodiverse Couples Counseling Center Adult Autism Assessment Center Parenting Autism Therapy Center She Rocks the Spectrum, A Therapy Center for Autistic Girls & Young Women Neurodiverse Couples Retreat
Do you also support neurotypical men who are married to an autistic woman?Absolutely! For simplicity sake, on our website we refer to women as allistic (neurotypical) and men as autistic (neurodivergent); however, we know what the dynamic is often reversed. Also, we are aware that Cassandra Syndrome can also be a struggle for gay men or women. We hope you understand our desire to keep the wording simple and that we would love to work with you!
Can you support my autistic husband?Yes, please send him to: Therapy 4 Autistic Men Where difference = strength
How do I find out about administrative items like insurance, therapy vs coaching, scheduling, and policies?These topics are covered by in the FAQ's of our partner organization, the Couples Counseling Center.
How much does therapy for Cassandra Syndrome cost?FEE RANGE: Our fee per 50 minute session varies based on life experience, clinical experience, training, education (master's, doctorate), and special certifications and range from $150/session to $350/session. You will be able to indicate the fee you are able to pay on our contact form and we will do our best to match you with the appropriate professional. FINDING OUT YOUR FEE: Once you are matched a therapist or coach, she will inform you of her fee per session. Please let the therapist know if the fee will work for you. If it is not in your range, discuss it with your therapist who will try to make an accommodation. If that is not possible, she will offer to match you with a different therapist.
What if I have a question that is not answered here?Please reach out to Cassie Clayton, our Client Care Coordinator. She will be glad to answer your questions! Email : Text or Call: (408) 475-2746
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